Demand Flash Cards

Flash Cards for 1.1 Consumer choice and demand.

Memorise the following terms and definitions.
Things we must have to survive.Needs
The next best alternative forgone.Opportunity Cost
Things we would like to haveWants
Because of scarcity we have to makeChoices
Things we have to pay forEconomic Goods
Things we don't have to pay forNon Economic Goods
Examples of values include…….Honesty, Integrity, Consideration of others, loyalty.
Examples of limited meansTime, income and skills.
Wants are unlimited but means areLimited.
Because of unlimited wants but limited means we haveScarcity
People are naturally greedy and so we haveUnlimited Wants
Things people hold to be importantValues
A want is different to a demand because to have a demand you have to beAble to buy it.
All other factors remaining unchangedCeteris Paribus
Products that are used together / in conjunction with each otherComplements
A table showing how much people are willing to buy at a range of prices.Demand Schedule
How much of a commodity a consumer is both willing and able to buy at a given price.Demand
An increase in income will cause a decrease in demand for this type of good.Inferior
A change in price will cause a change in the.Quantity demanded.
Ceterus ParibusAll other factors remain unchanged.
A change in anything other than price will cause the demand curve to...Shift and there will be a change in demand.
A change in Ceteris Paribus will cause the demand curve to.Shift
The horizontal summation of each individual consumers demand at each price.Market demand.
The only thing that will cause a change in quantity demanded and a movement along the demand curve.A change in price.
An increase in price will lead to a….Decrease in the QUANTITY demanded and a movement along the demand curve.
A decrease in price will lead to ...An increase in the QUANTITY demanded and a movement along the demand curve.
An increase in income will mean people will buy more because they can now….Afford to.
A decrease in income tax will cause the demand curve to..Shift right and demand will increase.
A decrease in the price of a substitute will cause the demand curve to.Shift left and demand will decrease.
Substitute good.A good used in place / instead of another good.
For a person to have a demand they must be both.WILLING and ABLE to buy the good.
The Law of DemandAn increase in price will lead to a decrease in the quantity demanded. Ceterus Paribus.
If the price of a complement decreases then demand for the original good will do what?Increase and the demand curve will shift to the right.
The total average spending by households.Aggregate household spending.
As income increases the percentage of income spent on necessities will….Fall - the amount of money spent may stay the same or increase slightly, but as a percentage of income it will decrease.
Because of unlimited wants but limited means we have to make choices which involves making…Decisions.
Factors that will shift the demand curve to the right and increase demand.Increase in income, increase in the price of a substitute, decrease in the price of a complement, good advertising, decrease in income tax.
As income increases people spend more on.Luxury goods. They can also afford to save more.
People with low incomes will spend most of their money on..Basic needs, basic necessities.
Examples of basic necessities include...Clothing, basic food items, shelter.
Income not spent.Savings.
Factors that will shift the demand curve left.Decrease in income, decrease in the price of a substitute, increase in the price of a complement, increase in income tax.
Income after tax.Disposable income.
The main examples of limited means are.Time, income, skills and sometimes whanau / family.
Disposable income.Income after tax.
An increase in the price of this will lead to a decrease in demand for the original good.Complement
An increase in the price of this will lead to an increase in demand for the original good.Substitute
If the price of a substitute decreases then...Demand for the original good will decrease.
If the price of a complement increases then...Demand for the original good will decrease.
Flashcard 3 of 48 Front.jpgAn increase in price which has lead to a decrease in the QUANTITY demanded.
Flashcard 12 of 48 Front.jpgA decrease in price which has lead to an increase in the QUANTITY demanded.
Flashcard 26 of 48 Front.jpgAn increase in income, good advertisiing, increase in the price of a substitute, a decrease in the price of a complement, a decrease in income tax.
Flashcard 48 of 48 Front.jpgA decrease in income, decrease in the price of a substitute, an increase in the price of a complement, an increase in income tax.
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